About Me
I am an enthusiastic agronomist and scientist. I am specialized in Multivariate Data Analysis (chemometrics) for digital agriculture. Curious, enthusiastic and a good communicator, I am experienced both in leading scientific research and in the dissemination and transfer of scientific knowledge.
Areas of Research
Chemometrics, Agronomy, Food Quality and Safety, Digital Agriculture, Modelling, Spectral Imaging
Research Interests
My research interests focus on Visible, Near Infrared and Mid Infrared spectroscopy, as well as on hyperspectral imaging applications for supporting sustainable digital agriculture, food quality assessment and food safety. I am particularly invested in teaching, tutoring and mentoring activities as well as in Education and Public Engagement initiatives.
Scientific Partners
Having enjoyed several periods of international mobility, I have had the opportunity to establish and entertain good relationships with national and international researchers and institutes, including internationally recognized research groups dedicated to the application of spectral imaging to improve understanding of biological systems (Spectral Imaging Group at UCD); the Research Group ITAP-COMIC at INRAE, focused on the development of optical measurement systems and mathematical methods for digital agriculture ; and research collaborators at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (LPF-TAGRALIA), and IMAB at Universidad Publica de Navarra. Technology transfer institutions and industrial partners with whom I have collaborated in the last 10 years include Azti and Visiona Ingeniería de Projectos SL.

SC.11_Viticulture: High-resolution UAV-based thermal imaging (drones)
Santesteban L.G., Di Gennaro S. F., Herrero-Langreo A., Miranda C., Royo J.B., Matese A. (2016) High-resolution UAV-based thermal imaging to estimate the instantaneous and seasonal variability of plant water status within a vineyard. Agricultural Water Management. 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.08.026.

SC.7_Food Contamination: NIR Imaging for the Detection of Allergens
Mishra P., Herrero-Langreo A., Barreiro P., Roger J. M., Diezma B., Gorretta N., Lleó L. (2015). Detection and Quantification of Peanut Traces in Wheat Flour through NIR Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 23, 0-0. 10.1255/jnirs.1141.

SC.6_Viticulture: Spatio-temporal Models
Herrero-Langreo A., Tisseyre B., Goutouly J.P., Scholasch T., Van Leeuwen C. Mapping Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Water Status during the Season Using Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13C) as Ancillary Data (2013). American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 64 (3) 307-315. 10.5344/ajev.2013.12125.

SC.4_Postharvest: Combining non-destructive sensors
Herrero-Langreo A., Fern·ndez-Ahumada E., Roger J.M., PalagÛs B., LleÛ L. (2012). Combination of Optical and Non-destructive Mechanical Techniques for the Measurement of Maturity in Peach, Journal of Food Engineering, 108 (1), 150-157, 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.07.004..

CP.24_Spectroscopy: Sensor Development
Herrero-Langreo A., Bendoula R., Gobrecht A., Ducanchez A., Guerrero-Castro P., Roger J.M., Prediction of Soluble Solids Content in Intact Sugar Beet: a Preliminary Study for a Fiber-optic Probe Sensor. Chimiometrie XVII, 17-20 Jan. 2016. Namur (Belgique)..

CP.19_Viticulture: Sampling
Herrero-Langreo A. , Tisseyre B. , Roger J.M. , Scholasch T. How to Sample to Calibrate a Spatial Model: Application for Modeling Vine Water Status. IX International Terroir Congress, 25 - 29 Jun. 2012. Dijon (France).

CP.13_Viticulture: RGB imaging
Herrero-Langreo A., Barreiro P., Diago M.P., Baluja J., Ochagavia H., Tardaguila J. Pixel Classification through Mahalanobis Distance for Identification of Grapevine Canopy Elements on RGB Images. International Association for Spectral Imaging Conference (IASIM-10), 18 - 19 Nov. 2010. Dublin (Ireland)..
See my publications
During the last 15 years I have published in peer reviewed scientific journals. The main theme of my publications is the application of multivariate data analysis to precision agriculture, food quality assessment and food safety.
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